LINKED LIST, Linked List Data Structure - AH COMPUTER TECH.


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Monday, April 27, 2020

LINKED LIST, Linked List Data Structure

 Linked Lists:
A linked list, or one way list. Is a linear collection of data elements. Called nodes, where the linear order is given by means of pointers. That is, each node is divided into two parts: the first part contains the information of the elements, and the second part, called the link field or next pointer field, contains the address of the next node in the list.
Figure 5.2 is a schematic diagram of linked with 5 nodes. Each node is pictured with two parts. The left part represent information part of the node, which many contain an entire record of data items (e.g., NAME, ADDRESS ,….). The right part represents the next pointer field of the node, and there an arrow drawn from it to the  next node in the list. This follows the usual practice of drawing an arrow from a field to a node when the address of the node appears in the give field . the pointer of the last node contains a special value, called null pointer, which in any invalid address.
LINKED LIST, Linked List Data Structure
linked list

Fig. 5.2 linked list with 5 nodes
(In actual practice, 0 or a negative number is used for the null pointer.) The null pointer, denoted by  x  in the diagram, signals the end of the list. The linked list also contains a list pointer variable-called START  or NAME – which contains the address of the first node in the list; hence there is an arrow drawn from START to the first node. Clearly , we need only this address in START to trace through the list. A special case is the list that has no nodes. Such a list is called the null list or empty list and is denoted by the null pointer in the variable START.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
For example :-
A hospital ward contain 12 beds, of which 9 are occupied as shown in fig. 5.3. suppose we want an alphabetical listing of the patients. This listing may be given by the pointer field, called next in the figure. We use the variable START pointer to the first patient. Hence START contains 5, since the first patient, Adams, occupies bed 5; Also , Adams’s pointer is equal to 3, since Dean, next patient, occupies bed 3;
Dean’s pointer is 11, since Fields, the next patient, occupies bed 11; and so on. The entry for the last patient (Samuels) contains the null pointer, denoted by 0. (some arrows have been drawn to indicated the listing of the first few patients.)



Let LIST be linked list. Then LIST will be maintained in memory , unless otherwise specified or implied, as follows. First of all, LIST requires two linear arrays-we will call them here INFO and LINK-such that INFO[K] and LINK[K] contain, respectively, the information part and the next pointer of a node of LIST/ as noted above, List also requires a variable name-such as START-which contains the location of the beginning of the list, and a next pointer sentinel-denoted by NULL- which indicates the end of the list. Since the subscript of the arrays INFO and Link will usually be positive, we will choose NULL = 0, unless otherwise stated.
The following example of linked lists indicated that the nodes of a list need not occupy adjacent element in the arrays INFO and LINK, and that more than more than one list may be maintained in the same linear arrays INFO and LINK. However, each list must have its  pointer variable giving location of its first node.
Figure 5.4 pictures a linked list in memory where each node of the list contains a single character. We can obtain the actual list of characters, or, in other words, the string as follows:
START = 9, so INFO [90] = N is the first character.
LINK [9] = 3, SO INFO [3] = 0 is the second character.
LINK [3] = 6, so INFO [6] = (BLANK) is the third character.
LINK [6] = 11, so INFO [11] = E is the fourth character.
LINK [11] = 7, so INFO [7] = X is the fifth character.
LINK [7] = 10, so INFO [10] = I is the sixth character.
LINK [10] = 4, so INFO [4] = T is the seventh character.
LINK [4] = 0, the NULL value, so the list has ended.
In other words, NO EXIT is the character string.

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